Online Information Session: Putting together a Writing Sample for Applying to MFAs, Grants, and Fellowships





Online Information Session

Whether you are a poet looking to hone your craft, an aspiring novelist who wants to get that book written, or a memoirist with an urgent story to tell, our MFA program will help you achieve your writing goals.

The writing sample is often the most important part of an application to MFA programs, grants or fellowships. This session shares insights into how selection committees read the writing submitted and offers strategies on how to show your best work.

This info session is led by MFA Director Judy Halebsky. Your admissions counselor will also be available to answer questions about the MFA in Creative Writing program and the application process.

Then choose how to attend: 

  • Meeting ID: 955 0508 0302
    Passcode: 076177

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