Current Students

Whether you are just beginning to discover your career path or looking for your first full-time job, Á½ÐÔÉ«Îçҹ’s Career Services will help you along your unique journey, every step of the way.

Our team guides students in self-awareness, career exploration, internship experience and job search preparation. We provide support through personalized coaching, career development programs and 24/7 online tools and resources designed to help you reach your career goals. 

First-year students are encouraged to explore Á½ÐÔÉ«Îçҹ’s many degrees and programs as well as the wide-range of career options available to you after graduation. In addition, you may want to consider personality and career assessments to discover your strengths and to better understand yourself. It’s an important first step in reaching your career goals! 

Personality and Career Assessments

By assessing your strengths, personality type, and values, we'll help you learn more about yourself so you can flourish academically, personally, and professionally.

Our Assessment Tools

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Strong Interest Inventory
  • Focus 2 Career

One-on-One Career Coaching

  • You will meet with a Career Coach who will assist you design your career plan. This will include: 
  • Getting involved in campus clubs and activities
  • Activating your Handshake profile
  • Scheduling a 1:1 coaching appointment
  • Connecting with your professors and advisors during office hours

Sophomores are encouraged to engage in meaningful ways in co-curricular activities and part-time work.

It’s time to get involved and engage with your campus and local community. What interests do you have? How can you develop leadership skills through student organizations? Part-time employment is an excellent way to develop soft skills such as communication and problem solving skills as well as the ability to work as a team – all important skills employers value.

Create experiences that prepare you for the future!

  • Take on leadership in campus clubs and activities
  • Talk to your professors about research opportunities
  • Create a LinkedIn Profile to review with Career Services staff
  • Complete your Handshake profile and follow companies you are interested in
  • Search for summer jobs, research opportunities, and internships

Juniors are encouraged to empower their collegiate career with the development of soft skills through campus involvement and internships. 

Real Mentorship

At Á½ÐÔÉ«ÎçÒ¹, we recognize and value mentors with experience and expertise that challenge and encourage our students. Alumni frequently return to campus to talk shop and share insights with current students, scout for interns and/or employees, and connect with mentees. Enroll in the Life Skills course, where alumni co-facilitate this seminar on life after college topics.

Internship Placement

We connect companies and organizations in the Bay Area with talented students. Contact your faculty advisor for internship opportunities that best suit your strengths and interests.

  • Take the Life Skills course
  • Secure an internship and/or research opportunity
  • Update your resume and learn to write a cover letter
  • Connect with at least three professionals in your chosen field for informational interviews and career advice
  • Hone your interviewing skills by attending a Mock Interview event with alumni

Seniors are encouraged to prepare to embark on their next steps to either career or graduate school through resume review, mock interviews, personal statement review, etc. 

Job Search Support

Receive individualized feedback on your cover letter, resume, LinkedIn profile, and personal statement. Learn how to strategically pursue your career goals and market your unique skills to targeted employers.

Gain access to our online job board that offers a rich source of career opportunities when looking for employment.

  • Take the Life Skills course
  • Tailor your resume and cover letters to fit jobs to which you are applying
  • Review our website resources for tips on applying, interviewing, and negotiating your post-grad job
  • If you are on the path to graduate school, submit those applications and get letters of recommendation
  • Update your LinkedIn profile and build you online network
  • Apply to jobs and follow up!

Earn 1-3 units of credit while applying your classroom learning in a work setting directly related to your major. The Internship Program helps integrate your academic learning and personal and professional development through hands-on, practical work experience. Through the Program, you will work closely with your faculty advisor to research and secure internship opportunities, including business, non-profit, education, medical, and public organizations.